Love & Sex

Guiding you through sex education, love making techniques to unconditional love. Collection of inspirational love quotes. Relationship advice, Dating Tips and fun.

Showing 15 of 944 Results

Surefire Ways To Make Your Partner Feel Loved

“Real love is only what you give,” writes Kate Kerrigan in her brilliant novel, Recipes for a Perfect Marriage. In our me-centered culture that promotes the highly dysfunctional myth that love is a feeling your partner ignites in you (he makes me feel alive; she makes me feel whole), it’s easy to fall into the thinking trap that if you’re […]

Warning Signs Your Friendships Are Unhealthy

The people with whom you surround yourself have a strong influence on the life that you live. They impact the TV programs you watch, the places where you spend time, the books you read, or if you’re even reading at all. Collectively, those choices have a huge sway on the direction of your life.

Is Your Penis Normal?

Is Your Penis Normal? You’re well acquainted with your own penis, but how does it compare to everyone else’s? While you probably consider your package to be completely normal, it could jump out as strange to another guy—like your urologist.

Achieve Road-Trip Bliss

Your car may be the best place to strengthen your relationship. So this spring, use these tips to hit the road with your gal Traveling may teach you about yourself, but traveling with her may teach you even more: “You never really know somebody until you’ve spent hours in the car with them,” says Rachel DeAlto, a New York-based relationship […]

How To Love The One You’re With

How To Love The One You’re With Are you in a great relationship but wonder if there’s someone better out there for you? It’s an issue I see all the time in my counseling practice: The fear of missing out. The fear of making a mistake. The grass is always greener syndrome. And, sadly, we live in a culture that […]

Tips To Spring Clean Your Relationships

Tips To Spring Clean Your Relationships The Spring Equinox is here, and that means it’s time for some good, old-fashioned spring cleaning! In addition to cleaning out your closet, why not do a little bit of spring cleaning in your relationships, too?! Here are six tips for clearing stagnant energies and freshening up the important relationships in your life.

Most Important Things I Learned About Sex From Teaching Human Sexuality

Most Important Things I Learned About Sex From Teaching Human Sexuality I have always been an openly sex positive person, so when I had the opportunity to teach human sexuality to college students I jumped at the chance. Having just completed my M.A. in Social Psychology, as a young 24 year-old, I thought I knew a lot about sex. But, […]

How To Deal When Your Partner Is Cold & Has No Empathy

How To Deal When Your Partner Is Cold & Has No Empathy As humans, it’s in our nature to empathize. All the evidence is that we are not cut-throat, survival-of-the-fittest evolutionary competitors, we are actually bonding animals who are naturally cooperative and empathic. In fact, studies by Michael Tomasello and colleagues show that even 14-month-old babies will offer to help […]

Things Men Really Really Want In A Relationship

Things Men Really Really Want In A Relationship Open any beauty magazine and you’ll see article upon article about what women want in relationships and how to get that. But there’s rarely a space for men to express their relationship needs. Thanks to MindBodyGreen for creating that space. Here are 7 things that men really want in a relationship.

How to Handle an Insecure Romantic Partner

How to Handle an Insecure Romantic Partner Coping with your lover’s attachment style. If you had to describe your approach to romantic relationships, which of the following descriptions would come the closest? A.  I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don’t often worry about […]

Are You Emotionally Cheating?

Are You Emotionally Cheating? How to protect your relationship from online emotional infidelity. In our sex-obsessed culture, we tend to view intimacy as merely physical and narrow its focus to sexual activity. This, however, is not an accurate picture of the power of intimacy to create and forge personal relationships. There is more to intimacy than just physical contact.

Two Ways of Life; Two Ways of Love

Two Ways of Life; Two Ways of Love The difference between true romance & true love in yourself and your partnership Romance Life is stressful, challenges to our self-esteem around every corner, threatening to weaken our confidence that we are good people already, well on the way to the ideals we aspire to. So you deflect the threats, hold on […]

Marriage Is Good For The Heart

Marriage Is Good For The Heart Married people have a 5% lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to single people Lovelorn singles, that ache in your heart will subside once you get married. Sort of. A study of 3.5 million American adults has found that married people have lower odds of cardiovascular disease than those who are single, divorced, or […]

Ways To Peeve Your Lover

Ways To Peeve Your Lover The most popular ways to drive each other crazy in the name of love. In any intimate relationship there’s a lot at stake. One thing of course, is the relationship; another is each partner’s self-esteem. Still another, often overlooked and at odds with those first two I mentioned is each other’s BS detectors. We need […]

Why Guilt Trips Can Be Relationship Killers

Why Guilt Trips Can Be Relationship Killers Try these 5 steps for a healthier conversation. Does this sequence of events sound familiar? Your partner tells you they’re upset with you (or angry, disappointed, annoyed, irritated) for one reason or another. Their criticism, justified or not, hurts your feelings. You want them to know they really upset you, so you communicate […]