
14 Results

How to Tell Your Husband about Your Infidelity

How to Tell Your Husband about Your Infidelity : Telling your husband that you cheated on him is difficult yet important. Unfortunately, sometimes we fall in love with someone but then realize that our partners are actually the best ones. If you cheated on him, don’t lie. Of course, you don’t want to break up with your partner, especially if […]

Awkward Thoughts You Have When Going Through Your Husband’s Phone

Awkward Thoughts You Have When Going Through Your Husband’s Phone : Every woman goes through her partner’s phone at least once a week, whether she is jealous or not. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it! Creeping through your husband’s phone is a bad habit, but why not? Maybe he goes through your phone while you are taking a shower […]

Reasons Why Men in 30’s Cheat

Reasons Why Men in 30’s Cheat : Infidelity is increasing at an alarming rate. Statistically, men are more prone to cheating than women and it’s estimated that up to 60% of all married individuals will engage in some form of infidelity at some point in their marriage. The question is, “Why?” Why do men cheat? Well, there may be a […]

Valid Reasons You Shouldn’t Trust Men So Easily

True love is something that all people search for, especially when they are young. Men and women have different attitude to love. It is a well-known fact that guys love with their eyes and girls love with their ears. That means all the words we hear from our guys are very important to us and we take everything serious. Being […]

Secrets Women Never Tell Their Men

Women are known to be very open and extremely talkative creatures in comparison with men. But you`ll get surprised that not only men have some things to hide, but women also have some secrets. There is a mystery in every woman for a man to clear up. But unfortunately, only a few of them succeed. Though it is not that […]

Supporting a Friend in an Abusive Relationship

Sometimes it’s extremely difficult to know how to support someone in an abusive relationship. None of us like to see someone we care about being treated badly. But, unfortunately, we cannot dictate what other people do. If your friend is in an abusive relationship, you might feel helpless that you cannot get them out of the situation. If so, make […]

Things You Must Never Say about Your Ex

Sometimes we really want to get back on our ex and tell everyone what a complete jerk he was. But you should know a few important things you must never say about your ex-boyfriend. If you broke up recently with your partner, you might still be full of remorse and in pain. You might even be tempted to get revenge, […]

Your Boyfriend is Having an Emotional Affair

Every relationship has a basis in emotions, that’s why it’s important to be aware of the signs your guy is having an emotional affair. In fact, an emotional affair is even worse than a sexual affair in some aspects, as your guy can grow to care for this person on a very deep level and can even grow to love […]

You’re a Girlfriend of Convenience

Being a convenient girlfriend is really only convenient for your boyfriend. Even if you enjoy making your world all about him in the beginning, after a while it will get to be too much. No matter how much you love someone, you can’t be the only one doing the work. Here are a few signs you may be a girlfriend […]

Signs of an Insecure Man

You’re probably no stranger to insecurity. Maybe you’ve dealt with your own or someone else’s. Minor insecurity is quite normal, but it goes too far though when it controls other people. This is not uncommon in relationships that involve a person who is severely insecure. Check out 6 signs you are dating an insecure man.

Reasons to Call Off Your Wedding

Making the decision to call off your wedding can be one of the hardest things you ever have to do. Sometimes people ignore warning signs because they are afraid of embarrassment or because they are so much in love. But it is wise to be aware of problems before getting married. Otherwise, a quick divorce or an unhappy marriage may […]

Dealing with a Cheating Partner

Many of us think that we don’t need to know the tips for dealing with a cheating partner. But unfortunately, some of us have to deal with a cheating boyfriend or husband. If it happens to you, what should you do? Well, it’s rather a difficult issue. Many of women leave, while others give the relationship another try. And there […]

Signs Your Boyfriend is Cheating on You

A cheating boyfriend is something all girls worry about. You have noticed something is different with your guy, but you are not sure what it is? You might want to find out what the truth is, but you don’t know how? Check out a few signs that your boyfriend may be cheating on you.

Warning Signs He is a Womanizer

It is not so easy, but possible to spot a man who likes flirting with every girl he meets. Check out a few warning signs of a guy who is a womanizer. However, even if your new guy fits only some of these characteristics it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is a womanizer.