
Showing 15 of 137 Results

Why Sexting Is Good for You

We’ve all heard what techno-alarmists say about sexting: that it’s shameful, deviant, exploitative, and just stupid. But in many ways, it’s a new genre of personalized erotica. Now, everyone is her own author and illustrator with the ability to create provocative, graphic stories for herself and her object of desire.

Things All Guys Want to Hear in Bed

1. “I’m coming.” They don’t just want to hear it, they want to make sure their neighbors hear it too, so scream it. Every guy wants to know he’s making you orgasm, and what better way to tell him than explicitly stating you’re orgasming, except, you know, sexy? 2. “You’re so good at going down on me.” We know this […]

Truth About Your Sexual Peak

Everyone’s heard about this “sexual peak” notion, right? Like that guys are at their sexual best around 18, and women hit their stride around 30—or something like that. Well, according to a new survey by sex toy company Lovehoney, women actually report having the “best sex” of their lives around age 26, while for men, it’s age 32—so pretty much the […]

Going Off the Pill Could Affect Who You’re Attracted

New research shows that going off the pill could affect how attracted you are to your mate Your birth control pill could affect your relationship, and not just because it halts baby-making. A new study published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Science followed 118 couples who met while the woman was on hormonal birth control and found that […]

Valid Reasons You Shouldn’t Trust Men So Easily

True love is something that all people search for, especially when they are young. Men and women have different attitude to love. It is a well-known fact that guys love with their eyes and girls love with their ears. That means all the words we hear from our guys are very important to us and we take everything serious. Being […]

Sex Addiction

The latest brain research shows that the human brain is uniquely wired to become addicted — to behaviors and substances. But is sex one of them?

Sex while sleeping

People have been known to sleep through ringing alarm clocks or even an earthquake — but sex? A new study finds that nearly 8% of people with sleep disorders reported bouts of sexsomnia, in which they initiated or engaged in sexual activity with a partner or masturbated while asleep.

Things That Make You GREAT in Bed

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a working knowledge of sex positions or a background in porn to be ridiculously good in bed. Instead, it comes down to more subtle (and realistic) factors that you may already posses. And if you don’t, we’re here to help you hone the skills you really need to blow your partner’s mind.

How Your Vagina Changes in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s

A three-decade snapshot of your snatch. In Your 20’s… Normal Shrinkage Puberty’s totally over (thank gawd), and your organs have reached their adult size. Except, that is, for your labia majora, the outer “lips” that enclose the rest of your privates. Don’t be shocked to see these looking slimmer. As you age, subcutaneous fat, including that of your genitals, decreases. […]

Intrigue a Man and Be Mysterious to Him

When you fall in love with a guy or you simply like him, it is important to behave properly in order to attract his attention. We all know that men are interested in those women who are always mysterious and unpredictable. Even if you have a boyfriend or you are married, it is necessary to take efforts to impress him […]

Things Men Find Attractive in a Woman

You know many things most men find attractive in a woman but do you know that there are a few absolutely weird things almost every man finds attractive in his woman? I must admit I didn’t know most of these strange things until I started working on this post. I’ve found the information for this post through some research and […]

You Are Dating the Wrong Guy

Every woman has some dating doubts, but if you’re experiencing any of the following issues, perhaps you are dating the wrong guy. To find long-term compatibility and true happiness, we should take matters into our own hands. Here are a few warning signs you are dating Mr. Wrong.

Worst Flirting Moves

Many of the worst flirting moves are used in romance novels and romantic comedies. Unfortunately, the flirting moves used in the movies never actually work in our real life. Perhaps, you’ve noticed that in movies a woman can get the man by using a few worst flirting moves, however, you will not be as lucky as her. Here are ten […]

Cheap Date Ideas

Having a fun date doesn’t have to break the bank. There are tons of ways to entertain a love interest and keep moths from taking up residence in your pocket book. Have fun on a budget with these 50 do-it-yourself dates. Your partner will definitely love most of these cheap date ideas.

When You’re in Love with a Married Man

A relationship with a married man can bring real problems into your life. It can cause work problem or even ruin your carrier entirely if relations are with your boss or colleague. Not to mention bad reputation. This kind of relations may be fun but are they worth all the damage they can cause to your life? I would not […]