
Showing 15 of 137 Results

Signs He Is Just Using You

It’s not difficult to know when he is using you for sex, for your money or even for a place to crash, but many women do get blinded because of their love. Just because you’re in love with a guy doesn’t necessarily mean that he is also in love with you. When he is using you, it means that your […]

Signs You Might Be Pregnant

Are you wondering if you might be expecting a baby? Taking a pregnancy test is one of the easiest ways to tell if you’re pregnant, but many pregnancy tests will not reveal if you’re pregnant until ten and more days after a missed period. Check out a few signs you might be pregnant if you cannot wait to take a […]

Body Language Ideas to get Attention

Body language is always a very important thing to look for. If you are trying to get your crush’s attention, you might want to know a few body language ideas that will certainly work to get his attention and make sure that you’re at the top of his mind!

Foods That Help Fight PMS

There are some of the nutritious and delicious foods that can help you to fight PMS. When that time of month rolls around you might want to reach for comfort food and junk food to help you cope with PMS symptoms. But some of these foods can actually exacerbate the symptoms! Check out a few foods that help fight PMS.

Reasons Why Chocolate is Better than Sex

Perhaps we will never get over both of these: sex and chocolate. Have you ever thought that chocolate can be better than sex? If you think that sex is better, check out a few reasons why having chocolate is much better than having sex. Who knows, maybe you will change your mind?!

Warning Signs He is a Womanizer

It is not so easy, but possible to spot a man who likes flirting with every girl he meets. Check out a few warning signs of a guy who is a womanizer. However, even if your new guy fits only some of these characteristics it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is a womanizer.

Unexpected Moves in Bed Men Adore

Wonder how to drive him crazy in bed? Sometimes it’s scary enough to try something new with a man because you don’t know how he is going to react, but with these useful tips you will be ahead of the game. Once you know all of the unexpected moves in bed men adore, you will come off sexy, hot, and […]

Signs You Are Dating a Player

Being in a relationship with a man who is committed enough to respect you and is really serious about you is beautiful. But sometimes, the man you are with may be just a player who doesn’t want anything serious and who is simply looking for some fun. How could you tell if the man you are with is decent and […]

Advantages of a Live-in Relationship

Cohabitation has become very popular and common these days. As almost half of all marriages end in divorce today, most young people prefer live-in relationships to marriages. If you never consider a live-in relationship, check out some advantages of cohabitation.

Reasons Flirting is Good for You

Many people think that flirting is bad, but there are plenty of great reasons to flirt. I love to flirt, and while someone may judge me for this, I don’t care. Flirting is a carefree and fun way to interact with people. Here are a few reasons why flirting can be good for you.

Dating a Boy Who Likes Another Girl

Are you dating a man who likes or even loves another woman? This situation can be tricky and hard to handle. It’s like a brittle glass – one wrong move can break the relationship. Check out some helpful hints on how to handle this kind of situation. Don’t forget to exercise good care.

Make Your Bedroom Romantic

If you want to spend a nice romantic evening with your sweetheart, there are numerous ways to make the night memorable. First of all, try to create a peaceful atmosphere, and then put all mess and clutter out of sight. Take a clean bed sheet and spread it on your bed. Now you can start with the rest. Here are […]

Advantages of Being Married

Nowadays many people take marriage too lightly and think that it is easy to survive a marriage. Moreover, in some countries people believe that marriage is a commonplace term. While marriage can put you at risk for weight gain, it boasts plenty of health and even financial benefits, especially if you are in a happy marriage. Cohabitation has become common […]

Types of Women Men Avoid

There are no perfect women and no perfect men. Obviously, there is not just one type of woman that is right for every man. However, some women try to portray themselves before men in a way that instead of impressing them, they push them away. Here are 10 types of women who scare men.