
Showing 15 of 137 Results

Scaring Away Potential Boyfriends

If you go on a lot of first and second dates, but can’t seem to get past that point, you’re probably wondering why. It could be something you’re doing and can easily change. Here are a few ways you may be ruining potential relationships with good guys.

Signs You Are Getting On His Nerves

Have you ever wondered if something you’re doing is annoying your boyfriend? There are some things that a woman will do because she thinks her boyfriend will enjoy it. It’s often those exact things that her boyfriend will be annoyed and frustrated by. Check out 8 things that you might do that are getting on your boyfriend’s nerves.

Biggest Romance Killers

When you are in a long-term relationship, it’s important to know all the romance killers. Unfortunately, many couples do them without even realizing it. So if you feel the romance between you and your partner is fading, here are some biggest romance killers you should avoid.

Keys to a Happy Relationship

Many people tend to talk more about unhappy relationships and miserable marriages, but what about happy relationships? Is there such a thing as a truly happy relationship? I know a few people who are in an utterly happy relationship! Want to know the secret to a happy relationship? Take a look! Here are 7 keys to a healthy and happy […]

Make Your Bedroom Romantic

Bring a little more romance into your marriage with these creative and easy ways to make your bedroom romantic. Your bedroom is the one place where you and your hubby can relax without having the children hang all over you. So make it more special! Check out a few creative ways to make your bedroom romantic that you will definitely […]

Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Are you wondering if you are in healthy relationship? Most women try to avoid red flags without knowing that there are also green flags. In fact, no one wants to be in a bad relationship, so it’s important to know signs of a healthy relationship. Keep reading and find out if you are in a healthy relationship.

How to Bring Life Back into Your Relationship

The early phase of a relationship is often the most enjoyable. Your days are filled thinking about when you are going to see your partner next. What you do is typically of little concern, as long as you are together. Your dates are intimate, and full of romance and excitement. Eventually, you begin to fall in love with your significant […]

Awesome Date Ideas

Planning dates can be really hard! That’s why I decided to compile a list of some awesome date ideas! They are all unique, all different and they will keep you and your significant other active. Read on and find out where to take your boyfriend or girlfriend!

Great Ways to Charm the Man You Love

Understanding the way most men think is not a rocket science. You don’t have to be drop-dead gorgeous girl, you just need to know some great ways on how to charm the man you love. And don’t forget about the confidence! Your confidence is a key part of knowing how to charm men!

Signs You Are Ready to Have Sex

If you’re still a virgin it can be very difficult to tell when you’re ready for sex, but there are some tips to tell if you’re ready to have sex that will certainly ensure that you do not feel pressured into having sex just because everybody’s doing it. Keep in mind that sex is a really huge step so you […]

Turn-Offs for Guys that You Might Not Even Know about

There are plenty of turn-offs for men that you might not even know about! If you think that talking about your ex-boyfriend the whole evening and being perfumed up are attractive, you are wrong! These might be the biggest turn-offs for guys! Check out a few turn-offs for men that you might not know!

Advantages of Dating a Rich Man

Dating rich men is something many girls want to achieve but only a few of them actually do. In the world where money doesn’t grow on trees, dating a wealthy man with stable income needs to take precedence over such less important qualities as age and looks. If you are going to date a man, why not date a wealthy […]