
Showing 15 of 96 Results

Common Causes of Stress

Being worried, frightened, strained or in a bad mood can be the cause of stress. Such things are widespread! Sooner or later we all are stressed and instead of doing nothing, people have to think about the consequences and try to overcome this tension as soon as possible. Very often our problems are the main reasons of stress that we […]

Shouldn’t Say to Those Who Are Depressed

Nowadays so many people suffer from depression that we can say it is one of the most wide-spread disorders. If you know such people among your friends, relatives or colleagues you should be careful about what you say to them. There are some certain words which can easily hurt depressed people. They are incredibly vulnerable at such periods. Sometimes your […]

De-Stress Thanksgiving

De-Stress Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving can be one of the most hectic holidays. The sheer amount of food your family is expecting can overwhelm even the most level-headed mom. With a few easy tricks, though, the day can go so smoothly you’ll actually have time to sit back and watch some of the game with your family.

Get Over a Break Up

It’s a well-known fact that break ups are hard to overcome, that’s why I am writing about how to cope with a break up. No matter if you are the dumpee or dumper, it’s a huge emotional stress. First of all, I want to stress that being single is not a bad thing. When something happens it’s definitely empowering. Being […]

Not to Worry about the Future

We all think over and plan our future and it can’t be otherwise. But now I’m going to present you some persuasive reasons why you shouldn’t worry about it so much. You are to have a long-term plan of your life, some general idea of what you want to reach. But in no case you are to live in the […]

Hosting an Unforgettable Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Day is a very happy and important holiday when all the family and friends get together at your home. That’s why no hostess wants the dinner to be a flop and her guests to leave her house displeased. In order to avoid discomfort, here are some tips for you to make the dinner go smoothly. Using these tips, you`ll […]

Causes of Adult Acne and Ways to Treat It

Adult acne is certainly an unpleasant thing to have, especially if you’re a beautiful woman who cares about how she looks. So if you’re well above the teen age and suddenly begin developing blemishes and blackheads on your face, which don’t want to go away, check out a few causes of adult acne and ways to treat it.

Reverse Aging of the Brain

An increasingly common problem of aging is one or other form of impairment of brainpower. Whether it is Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, or simple forgetfulness, this can be very disturbing to sufferers and their families. The question is, of course, what factors trigger these conditions, and what can be done about it? Let’s have a look at some of the causes […]

Lower Your Phone Anxiety

If you avoid dialing a number and answering calls, you certainly need to know ways to lower your phone anxiety. It is okay to feel nervous when you make an important call, but if you feel nervous all the time you should overcome it. You cannot rely on emailing and texting to get a job done. Here are a few […]

Reasons You Wake Up Feeling Tired

If you’ve ever woken up feeling tired and achy after sleeping eight hours, you might wonder about the reasons why you don’t wake up feeling refreshed. Here are some real reasons why you wake up feeling tired and achy.

Reasons Your Hair Is Falling Out

We all have some stressors and frustration from time to time, and they affect our organism. So, if you feel yourself not so good, the first you must do is to reconstruct your health carrying. One of the worst things you get in this way is losing your hair. Unfortunately, this is a very popular thing among women, and they […]

Signs Your Work Is Stressing You Out

In today’s increasingly fast-paced society stress has become a way of life and many of us are suffering from it more than ever before. No matter how much sleep you get, you might feel exhausted or notice you are breaking out more often, even though you are eating healthy. There are many signs your work is stressing you out, and […]

Get Over Your First Love

The first love typically leaves the sweetest and fondest memories in a person’s life. If you’ve just broken up with your first boyfriend, I know how it can be hard to get over him. But it’s still possible. The man thing to remember is to never give way to despair. Take a look at the list of 6 useful ways […]

Living Stress Free

Living in a big city can be stressful, especially if you come from small town or village. However, I’ve got some essential tips for living stress-free in the city and I recommend them to all people living in a big city. If you follow these tips, you will enjoy your every life without the hassles and stress of the big […]

Start Every Semester on the Right Note without Stress

While college can be daunting, there are some great ways to start every semester without all the stress. You might worry that there is so little time and so much to do, but there is no need to stress! Check out some of the best ways to start every semester on the right note without stress.