We all have things to be thankful for, our house, our family, our friends, and even our job. When I’m down on my luck, instead of getting really depressed, I try to think about all the good things in my life. I know that I have a lot of things to be grateful for every single day, and I’m sure that you do, too. If you are feeling a bit down in the dumps, here are a few things to be thankful for each and every day.
1. Waking up
Okay, I know it sounds a bit silly, but waking up is really one of those good things to be grateful for. The next time you feel down, be thankful for waking up and knowing that you have a new day. I’m always thankful for this, because I know that there are people who didn’t wake up this morning.
2. Your loved ones
I have a supportive family, siblings, an amazing boyfriend, reliable friends and I’m really grateful for it every single day. I consider my loved ones my greatest blessing and because of them, I’m the richest person in the whole world! And because of your loved ones, you are also the richest person in the world! Remember it!
3. Your senses
You are very lucky if you have your sense of hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell. Just imagine how much harder life would be if you could not see the faces of your loved ones, or hear the sound of beautiful music, or taste your favorite meals? The senses are really something to be grateful for every single day.
4. Food
Many women complain that they are not thin enough, or that they couldn’t lose a few pounds, however, the truth of the matter is that you should be grateful for the little bulge around your waist. Really, ladies, this bulge means that you have more than enough food in your stomach. Many people don’t have even a slice of bread to eat every day. Always be thankful for the food you eat!
5. Home
I cannot look at homeless people without tears. Personally I cannot even imagine not having my house. Yes, my house is not palatial by any means, but I know that it’s mine and it keeps me safe and secure, that’s why I’m so thankful for having my home every single day.
6. The ability to read and write
If you can read and write, you should be thankful for it! There are many adults who don’t know how to read or write. So you should be thankful every day that you have the ability to read your favorite books and to write your diary.
7. Your job
Even if you don’t actually like your job, you should be thankful for it. Personally I don’t earn a lot of money and sometimes I get really frustrated with my job, but despite my frustration and despite the fact that I don’t make enough money to buy the latest fashions and go on an elaborate vacation, I’m always thankful for the job that I do have. I’m blessed to have a work that I’m really passionate about, and I get to work from home, so there is no reason to get frustrated. Moreover, I have money to buy food, essentials and gifts for my loved ones!
The next time you feel down, try thinking of all the good things in your life that you are grateful for. By the way, what are you most thankful for in your life? Share your thoughts, please!