Safety & Precautions

Safety & Precautions

Showing 15 of 61 Results

6 Tips to Prevent Weight Lifting Injuries

6 Tips to Prevent Weight Lifting Injuries : Lifting can take its toll on your body just hours after a workout or gradually over a period of time. Weight lifters are prone to serious injuries which can lead to long-term effects. Therefore, it is important to make use of preventive measures which include the way you embark on your lifting […]

Travelling With an Infant?

Travelling With an Infant? Travelling by yourself is quite a feat. Flight delays may happen. You may get lost. You may lose money. But there is something far more difficult than that—travelling with an infant. Aside from the fact that you will have to deal with crowded airports, language barrier and many more, you also have to find ways to make […]

7 Easy Ways to Cope with a Tennis Elbow Injury

7 Easy Ways to Cope with a Tennis Elbow Injury : Elbow injuries in women are becoming common nowadays. This is because women are more and more involved with physical activities, such as sports and manual labor. Elbow injuries in women are becoming common nowadays. This is because women are more and more involved with physical activities, such as sports and […]

4 Reasons Why Women Have More Foot Pain

4 Reasons Why Women Have More Foot Pain : Foot pain and foot problems can be annoying and uncomfortable. But does being a woman make you more susceptible to developing foot problems? Possibly. Watch out for these 4 major risk factors why women have more foot pain:

How to stay fit while injured

How to stay fit while injured : Love experiencing that post-workout high that comes with breaking a sweat, getting your heart rate up, burning calories and reveling in the satisfaction that you’re doing something great for your health? Too quickly does that high dissipate when a fitness injury sidelines your workout routine.

5 Safe yet Fun Tourist Attractions for the Solo Woman Traveler

5 Safe yet Fun Tourist Attractions for the Solo Woman Traveler : Travelling solo can be an adventurous experience. It can take you out of your comfort zone and give you an opportunity to deal with whatever comes on your own – without the assurance of a travel buddy.

Foot Care in Jobs Involving Longs Hours of Standing and Walking

Foot Care in Jobs Involving Longs Hours of Standing and Walking : Foot trauma and injury is often associated with accidents involving the foot, or more commonly linked to athletes and sportspersons. However, sprains and fractures constitute just a miniscule fraction of the possible foot injuries that we are susceptible to. There are a host of other foot problems that can […]

Top Travel Accessories That Can Make Your Next Trip Easier

Top Travel Accessories That Can Make Your Next Trip Easier: Traveling is meant to be adventurous and fun. It should be an activity that one looks forward to with excitement. For this to happen, you must plan adequately while making sure that you have everything you need – depending on your destination.

Traveling With Baby and Cloth Diapers

Traveling With Baby and Cloth Diapers: Incredible Tips To Make Life Easier. Parents and nannies all over the world are stunted by their babies’ heavy wetting. Some are unsatisfied with the diapers they use and choose other brands or different methods to prevent heavy wetting. As if the standard daily chores are not enough, parents are also getting frustrated with the fact […]

Fun Winter Activities for Singles

Winter Activities for Singles : Finding a fun activity to do as a single person can be a struggle during winter. Many activities seem to be aimed primarily at couples or families making it difficult for single people to get out and socialise during the holiday season. Below is the list of 10 Winter Activities for Singles and activities that […]

Tips for Keeping Your Adolescent Daughter Safe

Tips for Keeping Your Adolescent Daughter Safe : It’s normal for adolescent daughters to keep pushing their parents for new freedoms. If the parents are too strict, their adolescent daughter will probably rebel by breaking the rules and stepping over the boundaries. Adolescent girls are wily creatures, and they can be very sneaky. It is therefore a good idea to […]

Ways Playing Sports Can Make High School the Time of Your Life

Ways Playing Sports Can Make High School the Time of Your Life : High school is not always easy. Not only are classes harder, you also have to deal with new teachers, a bigger school building, and the difficult task of expanding your circle of friends. But high school can be a fun, exciting time if you surround yourself with […]