Spiritual Health

Spiritual Health

Showing 15 of 112 Results

8 Ways to Take Care of Your Spiritual Health

8 Ways to Take Care of Your Spiritual Health : We live in a world where physical health is given utmost importance. We are always encouraged to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get adequate sleep. But what about our spiritual health? Our spiritual health is just as important as our physical health, and it’s time we start paying attention to it.

Top 8 Benefits Of Herbal Medicines

Top 8 Benefits Of Herbal Medicines : Herbal medicine, also known as botanical medicine, is a practice that has been used for centuries to promote health and treat a wide range of illnesses and health conditions. It is a part of traditional healing systems such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Native American Medicine, and many of these practices continue even […]

Empowering Women’s Health: Virtual Health Coaching for Holistic Well-being

Empowering Women’s Health: Virtual Health Coaching for Holistic Well-being : In today’s fast-paced world, women often find themselves juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, which can affect their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As women navigate the complexities of life, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize their health and wellness. Virtual health coaching offers a convenient and personalized solution for women seeking […]

Know All About Miracle Yellow Sapphire

Know All About Miracle Yellow Sapphire : When it comes to gemstones, there are few that can match the versatile and miraculous yellow sapphire stone. Also known as Pukhraj stone, this gemstone is revered for its stunning appearance, durability, and a host of benefits it brings to the wearer.

7 Things that Positively Impact Mental Health

7 Things that Positively Impact Mental Health : We live in a fast-paced and frantic world that is often too demanding and stressful. From the moment we open our eyes until we snuggle down in bed, we’re faced with many responsibilities and a barrage of decisions. A whole day passes in a whirl of rushing around, juggling multiple tasks, putting out […]

Holistic Addiction Treatment

Holistic Addiction Treatment : Addiction is a complex disease that affects more than just the person struggling with substance abuse. It alters relationships, finances, careers, and disrupts the lives of those around the addicted individual. Traditional addiction treatment focuses on the physical aspects of addiction and withdrawal but does not always address the underlying causes of addiction or the long-term effects […]

How to Fully Experience the Gift of Life

How to Fully Experience the Gift of Life : A family crisis led me on a two-decades-long spiritual journey that led me to become a Life Coach and a Mindfulness teacher. I lost two of my siblings, Esty and Daniel, and I feel that they’re my guardian angels. My work is inspired by both of them, and so much of what […]

All the Health Benefits of Opal, October’s Birthstone

All the Health Benefits of Opal, October’s Birthstone : Opal is a stone that denotes fire which is known to bring happiness, a sense of calmness, and affection into your life. October’s birthstone, Opal, often symbolizes wealth and prosperity, beauty, and love. It provides you with all the aspects you might need for a comfortable life.

Prayer connects you with the Supreme

Prayer connects you with the Supreme : Our prayer to God is a reverent petition to God; it is an object of worship, sometime a part of spirituality related pursuit. You can say it is a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession. It is a call in specially worded form […]

How to Improve Your Spiritual Wellness?

How to Improve Your Spiritual Wellness? : Even though physical well-being has found its place in popular conversations more extensively in recent years, the same cannot be said for spiritual wellness. Many people tend to dismiss the latter’s importance as made-up mumbo jumbo. But spirituality actually has nothing to do with religiosity or supernatural phenomena, as the most mistake it as.