How to Recognize Symptoms of Sleep Apnea : Sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous disorder in which an individual’s sleep is repeatedly interrupted. If a person is a loud snorer or if they usually wake up feeling tired, they might have sleep apnea. The term “apnea” refers to the breathing pauses, which lasts at least 20 seconds.
There are three types of sleep apnea; obstructive, central, and complex sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type, occurring when the throat muscles fail to keep the airway open.
Central sleep apnea is a much deeper problem where the brain fails to send signals to the muscles that control breathing. When a person has both central and obstructive apneas, they are said to have complex sleep apnea. There are several ways to recognize sleep apnea symptoms, and anyone who suspects they might have the problem should contact Nader Mahmoud, the best Totowa sleep medicine specialist in the area. The disorder can cause fragmented sleep patterns, and oxygen starvation, which may lead to a host of other problems.
Recognizing Symptoms
Recognizing symptoms of sleep apnea will help an individual get the treatment they need. The best way to know for sure if one has the disorder is through monitoring sleep. One method is through a professional sleep study. One can also ask their partner to observe them and provide feedback, or they can record themselves sleeping, and note how many hours they spend in bed.
Loud snoring, especially the obstructive kind disturbs those sleeping around the person and causes extreme fatigue and sleepiness during the day. One should note the volume of snoring, which is the main symptom of sleep apnea. In addition to that, one should monitor how often they wake up at night, and if they gasp, choke or cough upon waking up. Feeling out of breath after waking up could be a strong indicator of sleep apnea.
Risk Factors
Consider the risk factors of sleep apnea. The risk of getting sleep apnea increases with age for both sexes, though usually, men are more likely to have the problem than women are. Once a person is middle aged, their risk of getting central sleep apnea increases. If one has a family history of sleep apnea they are also more likely to get the problem.
In addition to that, being obese or overweight increases the chances of having sleep apnea, as most people with sleep apnea are overweight. Moreover, people with thicker necks have a higher chance of getting sleep apnea than others. A neck circumference of 17 inches for men and 15 inches for women increases the risk of getting the sleep disorder.
Sleep Studies
Going through a sleep study is the best way of diagnosing sleep apnea. A regular doctor is able to conduct this. They will want to look at a patient’s risk factors first before proceeding with the study. The doctor can also propose that one does the sleep test at home before recommending a sleep specialist. If it’s to be done at home, one should follow the doctor’s instructions, which might include not taking a nap, following the normal routine and not consuming caffeine.
Otherwise, one will need to see a specialist to have the test done. Because of the seriousness of the disorder, it should be a priority in one’s life. The patient must ensure that they choose the right kind of specialist, who is a certified pulmonologist. A personal doctor can refer one to the patient.
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