How to Work Out With a Busy Schedule : These days, finding the time to exercise for a busy person can be a challenge. With so many work demands and family responsibilities, the thought of having to go to the gym can feel like just another thing on your to-do list.
While it seems like everyone and everything needs your attention, truthfully nothing needs your attention for every single minute of every day. What if you could find easy and enjoyable ways to incorporate exercise as part of your important me-time? There’s no need to limit your idea of exercise to just going to the gym. It’s important to carve out special time for yourself. When you put yourself first, you maintain both your mental and physical health, giving you more energy and enthusiasm in other areas of your life.
It’s easy to feel motivated about the idea of exercising but when it comes to the crunch, we often lose motivation when we try to do too much too soon. What’s most important for motivation is accomplishing and completing a task on a consistent basis, not the size of the task itself.
Let’s consider breaking it down into achievable steps so that you can find fun ways to include more movement and exercise into your busy schedule to get your heart pumping and muscles working every day, no matter how busy life gets.
How do I fit exercise into my schedule?
While you don’t need an hour or even half an hour a day to lose weight or get into great shape, doing 15-20 minutes of exercise a day may be enough exercise for a busy person.
Going for a walk around the neighborhood, not only burns calories but the fresh air and sunshine are mood boosters as well. It’s okay to break things up. Try doing two 10-minute walks. Walk over to co-workers, rather than phoning or sending an email or IM. Take a walk during your coffee and lunch breaks. Walk while you’re talking on the phone. Bike to work, get off your bus or train a few stops earlier, or park the car further away to extend your walking time.
How do I exercise everyday?
A little exercise is better than nothing. In fact, adding just modest amounts of physical activity to your weekly routine is all it takes.
Expecting too much only leads to frustration. Try not to be discouraged by what you can’t do or how far you have to go to reach your fitness goals. Instead of worrying over results, the key is to focus on consistency. Some types of exercise can be combined with other tasks you already do. For example, watch TV as you ride a stationary bike, chat with a friend on the phone as you walk, or dance to music as you do household chores. Think about activities that you enjoy and how you can incorporate them into an exercise routine. It’s better to start with easy exercise goals you know you can achieve.
How do you incorporate fitness in your life?
It’s important to find what works for you, so you’ll need to customize a busy schedule workout plan that you can stick with. Once you find a good time to exercise, mark it on your calendar and keep it like you would any appointment. That kind of consistency keeps you from questioning whether or not today is a good day to work out. If 6am or 6pm is always workout time, then you have one less thing to think about.
Take a moment to think about where the empty spaces are in your schedule and start working in regular times for exercise. You can also make exercise a routine family activity by walking the dog or invite friends along. Doing the same thing over and over can be a little tedious, so try mixing it up. If you go for a walk one day, go bowling or swimming the next.
With so many fitness Apps on the market these days, finding new ways to exercise never felt so easy. Sworkit is an app, which has a workout and fitness plan for everyone. It enables you to create customized workouts, including cardio, strength training, stretching and yoga exercises, that fit your goals, time availability and fitness level. Finding time to exercise working moms will love this app thanks to its database of body weight exercises, which can be performed from anywhere and the best is part is, it’s free.
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