You Can Learn From Michael Jackson

Born on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana as the seventh child of the Jackson family, Michael Joseph Jackson was an American recording artist, entertainer and businessman. He had made […]

Lead Happy Married Life

We are accustomed to the well-known theory known as the “Big Bang,” an occurrence which is regarded as the origin of creation of the universe. The meaning attributed to this […]

We May Identify Our Desires

Desire is a metaphysical evil. As students of Yoga interested in the true welfare of our souls, we must be able to know what has really happened to us. We […]

Celibacy is a Great Virtue

Brahmacharya or Celibacy what we mean literally is abstention from sexual relations. But in wider spectrum, it is an outlook of consciousness, an exercise of self-restraint and conduct of the […]

Live meritorious life

There are four great values which must be the objectives every human individual must strive. The first place goes to the value called ethics or morality. It is called as […]

Yoga Can Help You a Lot

The regular practice of select Yoga can help considerably you to check the sexual impulse. Sirshasana and Sarvangasana will help you a lot in making you an Oordhvaretas. They are […]

Give Up Bad Habits

Many young men are troubled by wet dreams or nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea. This dire disease, spermatorrhoea, has eaten away the very core of the heart of many brilliant youth, […]

Counter Impure Thoughts

God places some temptations before the aspirant to test his spiritual strength. He gives him also strength to conquer the temptations. The strongest temptation in this world is lust. All […]