Posture & Body

Posture & Body

Showing 15 of 236 Results

How to Keep in Shape this Christmas Season

How to Keep in Shape this Christmas Season : Most people ruin their diet and gain a few extra pounds at Christmas time. A combination of excessive eating and less time spent exercising are the main culprits here. If you don’t want to feel guilty after the holidays are over, here are a few tips you should heed instead.

5 Simple Ways to Ease Sore Muscles at Home

5 Simple Ways to Ease Sore Muscles at Home : Whether you’re an athlete or an office worker, everyone experiences sore muscles at one point or another. If you’re looking for a way to ease your sore muscles without dropping a ton of money on a massage or chiropractic appointment, keep reading. Listed below are five simple and affordable ways to […]

5 Effective Ways To Increase Your Height

5 Effective Ways To Increase Your Height : Height is a valuable trait that boosts one’s confidence, especially for men. Several factors regulate your height. For example, your height may be hereditary whereby if your family has a high number of small members, chances are you will grow short too. Height is also regulated by the human growth hormone such that […]

Want To Stop Sitting Too Much?

Want To Stop Sitting too Much? While life might seem chaotic as a busy mom, it can be surprisingly full of sitting. Sitting down at your desk job, sitting in school traffic, sitting at the kid’s soccer games, sitting down to help with homework, sitting to eat, watch TV, skimming Pinterest . . . the list goes on!

Proven Ways to Shun away your Neck and Shoulder Pain

Proven Ways to Shun away your Neck and Shoulder Pain : Are you infuriated with the reoccurring soreness in your shoulders and neck that troubles you now and then? Well, a neck pain is perhaps the most annoying thing that can restrict you from enjoying your life to the fullest.

5 Best Body Toning Exercises for Females

5 Best Body Toning Exercises for Females :Fitting in time to workout can be challenging, but including a few sessions of workouts a week can have a huge positive impact on your health and fitness levels. Whether you’re a stay home mom or have a fulltime job, staying in shape should always be one of your top priorities. Sometimes eating […]

6 Fun Ways to Stay in Shape Over Winter

6 Fun Ways to Stay in Shape Over Winter : The winter months are fast approaching, but this doesn’t mean you should kill your workout regime. It’s time to break out the creativity to keep your heart pumping and beat the winter spread that creeps in from all that holiday food and reduced activity. Here are six ideas you can try […]

Fitness Tips for Exercising While Treating a Heel Spur

Fitness Tips for Exercising While Treating a Heel Spur : We all know how beneficial it is to incorporate fitness into our daily lifestyle. Exercising keeps the body and mind in good shape and condition. And it also offers the best solution to all our problems. In that case, this article provides fitness tips: exercising while treating a heel spur.

How To Stay In Shape in the Later Years of Life

How To Stay In Shape in the Later Years of Life : The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that older adults engage in approximately 2½ hours of moderate aerobic activity a week as well as strength exercises twice weekly. There are numerous reasons why we tend to become more sedentary as we grow older: health problems, weight issues or […]

How to get perfect legs?

How to get perfect legs? Just before its summer, we all get serious not only about our full body workout but also about our legs in particular. Achieving the perfect bikini body is the ultimate goal for all girls but that doesn’t mean that they all are in shape. If you’re worried about achieving the best posture and the best-shaped legs […]

4 Reasons Why Women Have More Foot Pain

4 Reasons Why Women Have More Foot Pain : Foot pain and foot problems can be annoying and uncomfortable. But does being a woman make you more susceptible to developing foot problems? Possibly. Watch out for these 4 major risk factors why women have more foot pain:

With the Bump: How to Sleep When Pregnant

With the Bump: How to Sleep When Pregnant : Getting a good night sleep during the pregnancy period is hard. A pregnant woman’s body is preparing for the event of childbirth and is in works towards the development of the baby. Getting a sufficient time of rest is a necessary part of a woman’s pregnancy. However, it is strange that when […]