Strength Training

Strength Training

Showing 15 of 127 Results

4 Unexpected (and Easy) Ways to Engage More Muscles

4 Unexpected (and Easy) Ways to Engage More Muscles : Are you in a treadmill rut? Tired of taking the same strength training class at the gym? If this sounds like you, check out these fun and accessible exercise activities which are fresh, inviting, and great at engaging more of your muscle groups:

6 Tips to Prevent Weight Lifting Injuries

6 Tips to Prevent Weight Lifting Injuries : Lifting can take its toll on your body just hours after a workout or gradually over a period of time. Weight lifters are prone to serious injuries which can lead to long-term effects. Therefore, it is important to make use of preventive measures which include the way you embark on your lifting […]

5 Best Body Toning Exercises for Females

5 Best Body Toning Exercises for Females :Fitting in time to workout can be challenging, but including a few sessions of workouts a week can have a huge positive impact on your health and fitness levels. Whether you’re a stay home mom or have a fulltime job, staying in shape should always be one of your top priorities. Sometimes eating […]

4 Compound Exercises for Beginners that use Multiple Muscles

4 Compound Exercises for Beginners that use Multiple Muscles : Afraid to go to the gym because you don’t really know how to use all the weight machines? You are not alone! So many of us, myself included, long for more toned abs, stronger arms and back, bulging muscle legs. But let’s face it, I go to the gym and jog […]

The Best Nutrition Meals For Bodybuilders

The Best Nutrition Meals For Bodybuilders : When it comes to bodybuilding, nutrition is a key component. Nutrition gives you the raw materials for growth, energy, and recuperation. Without eating a good diet, it’s very hard to achieve your ideal body. Depending on your weight, height, and metabolism, you should consume at least 1600 calories a day and if you are […]

The Importance of Exercising As A Senior Woman

The Importance of Exercising As A Senior Woman : The benefits of exercise in the later years of life cannot be stressed enough according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Exercising on a regular basis can go a long way towards preventing chronic disease, improving one’s mood and decreasing the risk of injury.

Best Pre & Post Workout Meals for Maximum Results

Best Pre & Post Workout Meals for Maximum Results : If you work out regularly, you already know how exercising not only keeps you fit, but ensures your body is healthy. And to ensure overall wellness of mind and body, fueling your workout with the right kind of nutrition is equally important. This is because when you workout, your body uses […]

Home Boxing workout benefits for women to get fit

Home Boxing workout benefits for women to get fit : Who doesn’t like to stay fit and look good but it’s quite important to maintain your body properly. Fitness is always the key factor for keep yourself healthy and when it’s come to women then for them this is always a headache but don’t worry now you can easily keep yourself […]

6 Ways to Improve Endurance Power for Strength Training

6 Ways to Improve Endurance Power for Strength Training: Endurance and strength training seem to be antagonistic approaches to hitting the gym. Either you train for endurance—or you train for strength. Most don’t realize that these two training styles have a meeting ground. They can be fused together to create ultimate strength.

8 benefits of pole fitness for men

8 benefits of pole fitness for men : Pole dance and fitness are becoming more mainstream and socially acceptable as a form of fitness. You may have read or seen about how it can empower women, but nobody really talks about how it can benefit men. Just to clarify here a moment, I am a woman, but what I am about […]

Train for Fitness and Strength, Not Appearance

Train for Fitness and Strength, Not Appearance: Most gym veterans accept without question that a free weight workout produces superior results than a workout using machines. There are multiple exercises designed to isolate, build, and define nearly every skeletal muscle and muscle group in the body.