Strength Training

Strength Training

Showing 15 of 127 Results

Is Indoor Rock Climbing a Good Workout?

Is Indoor Rock Climbing a Good Workout? It’s easy to get excited about working out in the summer. The warm weather is perfect for scenic runs and laps in an outdoor pool. But when winter rolls in, it can be a little more challenging to find thrilling ways to stay fit – especially in chilly cities like Denver, Colorado.

How to Regain Pelvic Muscles After Pregnancy

How to Regain Pelvic Muscles After Pregnancy : Pregnancy can do a number on your body and your pelvic muscles, regardless of whether you have a vaginal birth or a cesarean section. Luckily, there are many ways to regain pelvic muscles after pregnancy. Let’s talk about Kegel balls, Kegel weights, and other devices to regain pelvic muscles after pregnancy.

Should you Replace Your Cardio with Strength Training?

Should you Replace Your Cardio with Strength Training? A few years ago cardio was king for fat and weight loss until researchers discovered that it was resistance training which offered superior fitness then regular steady state sweat sessions with cardio. What most people do not know is that cardio like a forty-minute jog to burn calories.

The best supplement for bodybuilding

The best supplement for bodybuilding : Without appropriate supplements, bodybuilding could be hard and lonely. This is where Winstrol pill and oral supplements come to work. Winstol, also known as Stanozolol, is a multi-function steroid administered orally or by injection. It is one of the most well-known and popular steroid products available in the international market.

Strength Training Workout For Women That’ll Help You See Gains Faster

Strength Training Workout For Women That’ll Help You See Gains Faster : When it comes to women’s fitness, the focus is often limited to burning fat and shedding pounds. It is one reason most women, in a misguided attempt to look their best, end up starving themselves. The road ends at health, and sometimes psychological, issues. And you surely don’t want […]

Kettlebell Workouts for Weight Loss

Kettlebell Workouts for Weight Loss : Weight loss is often oversimplified to calories in versus calories out. The reality is that losing weight is much more complicated than that and there is more to the process than how many calories you eat versus how many calories you burn. Weight loss involves many interrelated factors such as nutrition, sleep, genetics, hormones, mental […]

How to Build Muscle for Women?

How to Build Muscle for Women? If you’re a woman, you know that building muscle will require a lot of hard work. It’s just like in the case of men, but in this particular situation you can deal with some rather pressing issues and that’s what you need to focus on at this particular time.

What are the Body Benefits of Core Strength?

What are the Body Benefits of Core Strength? In the world of athletics, there is a need to have a complete and functional body. Since this is the tool one uses to perform on the field, court, pitch etc., it is necessary for things to be working properly in order to be successful.

4 Steps to Stronger Hands

4 Steps to Stronger Hands : Still having a tough time cracking open a brand new jar of pickles? Is your hand cramping or growing fatigued when you hold your smartphone up for an extended amount of time? If so, you may be dealing with weak grip strength, an issue you will want to address now before age-related wear and tear […]

Immense potential of weight training for women

Immense potential of weight training for women : Not so long ago, weight training was considered an activity that only men could engage in. Women shied away from it thinking that it could messes up their feminine shape should they actively engage in weight training. Women were supposed to look ‘feminine’ and weight training was viewed as an activity that went […]