Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Showing 15 of 235 Results

Life After Pelvic Organ Prolapse; What Now?

Life After Pelvic Organ Prolapse; What Now? I sometimes find it hard to accept that in 2022 certain women’s health concerns still remain taboo. So many issues are still only whispered about behind closed doors and are considered a dirty little secret. Not because they are, but because in society, no one talks about them, not ever. It’s all still very […]

A Great Alternative Treatment for Your Pelvic Problems

A Great Alternative Treatment for Your Pelvic Problems : Pelvic floor therapy works on your low back as well as the pelvis area as a whole, intending to improve pelvic floor muscle coordination. Imagine the pelvic floor to be a hammock of the muscles that connect the pubic bone in the front to the tailbone in your back.

Women’s Health: 4 Doctors That You Should See Annually

Women’s Health: 4 Doctors That You Should See Annually : Women’s health is quite different from men’s health. Women are more prone to a myriad of issues such as anxiety, depression, and reproductive health issues. All these healthcare needs are different at different stages of a woman’s life. You might need to see a number of doctors to fulfill your […]

The Benefits Of Cannabis For Women’s Reproductive Health

The Benefits Of Cannabis For Women’s Reproductive Health : Cannabis, also known by the name marijuana, is a plant that is used for recreational and medical purposes. There are many ways that cannabis can be consumed, including smoking, vaping, and edibles. Some people believe that cannabis can be helpful when treating a host of medical conditions such as chronic pain and […]

5 Steps to A Better Night-Time Ritual

5 Steps to A Better Night-Time Ritual : It’s no secret that perimenopause and menopause can affect sleep. Estrogen plays an important role in sleep habits and body temperature regulation. Thanks to estrogen fluctuations in midlife, sleep can be affected in different ways like trouble sleeping and night sweats.

Stop Hiding Your Concerns and Seek Help For Urinary Incontinence

Stop Hiding Your Concerns and Seek Help For Urinary Incontinence : Leaking urine is a very common occurrence in many adults, and women are more susceptible to it. Finding it embarrassing is not an excuse to hide the problem as it can indicate a serious underlying disease that must be treated at the earliest.

Ease the Symptoms of Menopause One At a Time

Ease the Symptoms of Menopause One At a Time : While some experts say menopause is a natural process, the truth is that it can be very uncomfortable. The following are some common symptoms of menopause, with suggestions for how to alleviate them. Most women feel some combination of them at different points throughout their journey. You may only have one […]

Why Women are Using CBD for Menopause

Why Women are Using CBD for Menopause : Experts predict the CBD industry will reach more than $108 billion by 2027. In this market, you’ll find hemp skincare ranges, tasty CBD edibles, various CBD oils, vapes and even CBD-infused candles! However, the reasons for using CBD varies between people.

Is Tubal Ligation an Effective Procedure?

Tubal ligation or female sterilization is a surgical treatment that stops a woman from becoming pregnant. It’s usually referred to as “tying your tubes.” Every month, ovulation occurs, which is when the egg is discharged from the ovary and goes to the uterus via the fallopian tube.

8 Cervical Cancer Signs You Didn’t Know About

Cervical Cancer Signs You Didn’t Know About : Did you know that every year more than 14,400 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer? The shocking statistics do not account for hundreds of women who live with undiagnosed cervical cancer. Dr. Leela K. Patel offers exclusive cervical cancer screening and obstetric-related services. We sat with them to understand the early warning […]

Period Cramps: 10 Remedy To Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Period Cramps: 10 Remedy To Relieve Menstrual Cramps : Period cramps are every girl’s nightmare. While they may vary from person to person, cramps can still be unbearable and can cause disruptions in a person’s day-to-day life. Mood swings, extreme irritability, anxiety are just some of the symptoms that tag along with periods. The king of them all are period cramps!

An Inside Look Into Menopause, Its Symptoms, and Complications

An Inside Look Into Menopause, Its Symptoms, and Complications : Menstrual periods are a natural biological process that most women experience during puberty. It occurs in cycles of varying lengths of 21 to 35 days. As you approach your 50’s your menstrual periods may come to a stop, a period referred to as menopause.

5 Signs You Should See a Women’s Health Specialist

5 Signs You Should See a Women’s Health Specialist : The greatest way to avoid future health issues is to take preventative measures. It is easy to put off seeing a women’s health specialist when so many over-the-counter remedies claim to treat practically every type of vaginal infection.