Yoga & Meditation

Yoga & Meditation

Showing 15 of 119 Results

How to get deep sleep naturally with Acupuncture

How to get deep sleep naturally with Acupuncture : The idea of poking yourself with sharp objects (commonly needles) might not be appealing if we are talking about practical ways to improve sleeping habits. But take heed, first impressions are often deceitful.

The Health Benefits of Hot Water

The Health Benefits of Hot Water : We’ve all been there. At the end of the day, you just want to wash off the grime of your daily grind with a soothing, hot water bath. If your body craves hot water baths, you’re not alone. The health benefits of hot water and taking hot baths are many and varied, and a […]

What is Mental Stress? Causes, Diagnosis, Self Help and Treatment

What is Mental Stress? Mental Stress is that state of our mental condition when we opt to loose peace of our mind. Paul Brunton has rightly said, “Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from inner peace and mental calm […]

Best Yoga poses to improve metabolism

Best Yoga poses to improve metabolism : Though only in recent years the wonders of yoga have been exhumed, the practice is over 2000 years and quite revered. At gyms, studios, and holistic care centers everywhere, yoga can be anything from a sweaty workout to a therapeutic session depending on the style you are practicing. Those who do yoga routinely are […]

How to balance your health with chakras

Millions across the world vouch for ‘Yoga’ as a way of life but not many understand how the Asanas, Pranayam and meditation actually affect our body’s ‘Chakras’. Chakras? That’s right.They are the ‘Energy Wheels’ located in specific parts of our body. These constantly spinning Chakras are associated to particular organs which, when worked upon, provide the organs the required energy […]

Can yoga prevent you from contracting the H1N1 virus?

Can yoga prevent you from contracting the H1N1 virus? With the newspapers and internet flooding with the rising cases of swine flu everyday, it is time that we take proper measures to prevent the spread of the H1N1 virus. Apart from following the general guidelines such as wearing a mask and maintaining proper hygiene, it is vital that you build […]

Breathing Exercises

Breathing Exercises : Overworked, underslept and feeling the pressure? There are plenty of ways to find calm, without investing in a four-hand spa massage. All you need is a pair of lungs, your breath and 10 minutes or less.