Sports Outdoors

Sports Outdoors

Showing 15 of 81 Results

Is Skateboarding A Good Form of Burning Fat?

Is Skateboarding A Good Form of Burning Fat? Skateboarding is an amazing exercise that could burn your calories and help to train some parts of the body. It also improves your agility, balance, and flexibility. Like other sports, the effectiveness of burning fat as well as building up your muscles depends highly on the intensity, weight, and age.

Top Female Sports Leagues to Bet On

Top Female Sports Leagues to Bet On : Female athletes have never had more varied options when it comes to sports. Around the 80s and 90s, women’s leagues took off in North American and Europe. In some cases, like the women’s national football team in the US, women’s teams have outperformed their male counterparts.

What Women Need To Know About Golf Before Getting Started

What Women Need To Know About Golf Before Getting Started : Sometimes it can feel like a more difficult decision for a woman to take up the game than it is for a man. Golf is without a doubt a male dominated sport. However this does not mean that women should shy away from golf. There are so many benefits to […]

Women’s Hockey Mental Fitness

Women’s Hockey Mental Fitness : There’s a lot of stigma and misconceptions about mental health and mental fitness in all sports, not just women’s hockey. It comes from years and years of listening to how the best athletes are mentally tough, and you’ll need the same amount of toughness to achieve their heights. Even worse, even athletes who discuss mental health […]

7 Reasons More Women Should Play Football

7 Reasons More Women Should Play Football : It seems like any physical activity can provide a variety of benefits. Sadly, some women often miss out on active participation in sports and exercise. However, engaging in physical activities, including football, could help you cope with stress, as well as boost confidence and self-esteem.

When The Going Gets Hot, The Serious Cyclist Keeps Going

When The Going Gets Hot, The Serious Cyclist Keeps Going : “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” is an Old English proverb that has weathered the years, inspiring John F Kennedy and Knute Rockne among countless others. Come to think of it, change a couple of words, and it could serve as a hot weather mantra for bikers […]

Most Important Pickleball Rules – Awesome Game for All Ages

Most Important Pickleball Rules – Awesome Game for All Ages : Pickleball is a sport that is closely similar to tennis. Pickleball courts are usually smaller in size than tennis courts, which makes the game a lot more compact and a lot less arduous. This means that anyone ranging from school kids to the elderly and retired can play it. If […]

What Are the Best Power Training Exercises for Women Golfers? How to Do Them?

What Are the Best Power Training Exercises for Women Golfers? How to Do Them? Do you want to improve your golf performance? Doing any kind of sport-specific power training is essential if you want to get better at it. For women golfers, this means focusing on distance, speed, and stability.

Female Golfing Health Benefits – Why Playing Golf Is the Best

Female Golfing Health Benefits – Why Playing Golf Is the Best : If you’re playing golf regularly, a few times per month, you’re definitely reaping the benefits of golf. Research suggests that playing golf can improve your health. Because it is a mental, social, and physical sport, there is no end to its benefits.

A Footy Fans Guide to The World of Betting

A Footy Fans Guide to The World of Betting : Maybe you are looking to secure a momentous win or you’re just looking to sort out some profit for beer pocket money – betting on the weekends football matches is a likely place to be gambling. Sometimes big wins can happen, remember that guy who put on a little bet at […]

7 Most Useful Women’s Golf Tips for Beginners to Improve Speed & Accuracy

7 Most Useful Women’s Golf Tips for Beginners to Improve Speed & Accuracy : Be it male or female golfer, a beginner in golf has to get the basics right. It doesn’t matter what gender you are or where in the world you’re playing, the rules and basic guidelines remain the same. The aim here is to understand and be […]

The Evolution of Women’s MMA

The Evolution of Women’s MMA : The most dedicated fans of mixed martial arts could argue that Gina Carano put women’s MMA on the map. Still, when looking into the history, there’s a clear stamp of approval from the legend that is Ronda Rousey. Before the UFC making the talented female martial artist their headline fights of the night, there was […]