Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Showing 15 of 235 Results

What Women Should Know About Arthritis

What Women Should Know About Arthritis : You’re starting to feel stiffness in your joints that gets worse as days pass. You attribute it to old age and rightfully so since even with the healthiest of lifestyles, your joints are bound to wear out as you get older. However, did you stop to think that perhaps, you’re experiencing the tell-tale signs […]

Why is Arthritis more common in Females?

Why is Arthritis more common in Females? Painful inflammation of the joint lining is often perceived to be a senior disorder, and when considering nearly half of all adults above the age of 65 have some form of the condition, it’s easy to understand where the reputation comes from.

Nine Unexpected Yoga Benefits

Nine Unexpected Yoga Benefits : Many of yoga’s physical benefits, such as better posture and flexibility, are readily apparent to most. The same goes for some of the emotional benefits, such as a better sense of emotional balance and a feeling of serenity. But some of the other benefits are not as widely known. Hopefully, some awareness of these hidden benefits […]

Winter Health and Wellness Tips for Women

Winter Health and Wellness Tips for Women : Cold weather is making its way across the country, bringing blustery winds, dry air, and shorter days with it. While the holidays add a touch of warmth to an otherwise frigid season, it’s easy to feel stressed or depressed once they end.

Gallstones Diagnosis & Treatments: Dissolve Gallbladder

Gallstones Diagnosis & Treatments: Dissolve Gallbladder. The stones in the gallbladder are caused by the progressive deposit of solid materials such as cholesterol or proteins in the gallbladder or bile duct. Gallstones are the most frequent and dangerous ailment of the gallbladder and bile duct.

Cures and causes of back pain in female

Cures and causes of back pain in female : Back pain is something that a lot of people will experience in their lifetime and it’s only gotten worse. In 2009, researchers at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill found that “the prevalence of chronic, impairing low back pain [in North Carolina] increased from 3.9 percent in 1992 to 10.2 percent […]

10 Unhealthy Practices You Need to Stop Doing at Age 30

10 Unhealthy Practices You Need to Stop Doing at Age 30 : Transitioning from being an enigmatic lady in your 20s to being a responsible woman in your 30s might hardly change what you feel about yourself and your body. You look into the mirror and the person who stares right back is still the same, magnificent you. But don’t be […]

What’s Causing Your Abdominal Pain?

What’s Causing Your Abdominal Pain? When it comes to being a woman, abdominal pain is a common health complaint. You might think of your abdomen as simply your stomach area, but the region of the body actually encompasses everything between your diaphragm and pelvis where digestion occurs and the reproductive system sits.

Blurry Vision Syndrome during Pregnancy

Blurry Vision Syndrome during Pregnancy : Pregnancy is a wonderful phase in a women’s life where mothers begin to experience the joys of motherhood while nurturing a life. However, pregnancies come with varied symptoms. We already know about the common ones such as morning sickness, back pain, foot swelling etc, but knowledge about pregnancy induced blindness is still limited.

A Health Guide for Women in Their 30s And Beyond

A Health Guide for Women in Their 30s And Beyond : Aging is inevitable along with the changes in the human body that comes with it.  Though aging is a natural part of life, there are ways to improve the whole process. Healthy aging requires effort in promoting and maintaining social, mental, and physical wellbeing. 

Effects Of Nicotine On Your Body

Effects Of Nicotine On Your Body : Nowadays, it is very common to use Nicotine Replacement Therapy to help smokers overcome the addiction and go back to a healthier life. The use of vaporizers, also known as electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, has become a common alternative for those who are starting their path towards a smoke-free life.

5 Health and Fitness Reminders to Watch Out for at Back to School

5 Health and Fitness Reminders to Watch Out for at Back to School : The rush of Back to School season is almost a tangible excitement – kids are pumped for a new year and ready to see all of their friends again, and parents are eager to breathe a sigh of relief knowing the chaos of summer is coming to […]