
Collection of healthy recipes, dinner ideas. About healthy food, fat burning foods, hygiene, nutritional components, malnutrition and health diet.

Showing 15 of 274 Results

Satisfy Your Chocolate Cravings

Since many of us have a weakness for chocolates and suffer from chocolate cravings, I decided to share some ways to satisfy your chocolate cravings. Chocolate is my best friend and worst enemy at the same time.

5 Reasons for Using a Food Vacuum Sealer

5 Reasons for Using a Food Vacuum Sealer : In today’s day and age, a lot of people still dismiss the practice of vacuum sealing food as something done only in restaurants or homes with particularly obsessive owners. Vacuum sealing food began in the 1940s as a cost-saving measure. However, this practice is still very much alive today and for way […]

How to Keep in Shape this Christmas Season

How to Keep in Shape this Christmas Season : Most people ruin their diet and gain a few extra pounds at Christmas time. A combination of excessive eating and less time spent exercising are the main culprits here. If you don’t want to feel guilty after the holidays are over, here are a few tips you should heed instead.

3 Detox Drinks That Actually Taste Good

3 Detox Drinks That Actually Taste Good : You know the problem, you are trying to take control of your health, boost your metabolism and seeking out the best detox drink recipes, only to discover that the taste leaves a lot to be desired. It is hard to choke down something we just don’t like – even if it is good […]

4 Uncommon Foods for Natural Weight Loss

4 Uncommon Foods for Natural Weight Loss : In order to heal body naturally from chronic disease and to lose weight without drugs and without surgery, we can try some foods which naturally boosts weight loss. Some foods are naturally healing and have ingredients to promote health and weight loss while some foods can cause harm and cause weight gain.

Can Vegans Eat Mushrooms?

Can Vegans Eat Mushrooms ? If you are a vegan or thinking of being one, you find it easy to classify everyday food items such as meat, dairy, green vegetables as vegan or non-vegan. However, you might find it little confusing when you think about mushrooms.If you are a vegan or thinking of being one, you find it easy to classify […]

4 Essential Vitamins Every Woman Over 40 Should Take

4 Essential Vitamins Every Woman Over 40 Should Take : Age is just a number! Do you believe in the same? Then, I’m pretty sure, you are young at heart. In order to stay young at heart, it becomes imperative to look after your health. Age is just a number! Do you believe in the same? Then, I’m pretty sure, you are […]

Alkaline Diets and Kidney Disease

Alkaline Diets and Kidney Disease : Many dangerous fad diets exist that purport to treat diseases such as cancer by manipulating the pH of blood with different foods. While there is no good evidence that acidic foods alter the body’s pH and promote disease, the hypothesis that “dietary acid load” relates to disease should not be completely dismissed. The kidney serves […]

Top 4 Recipes with Pellet Grills That Blow Your Mind

Top 4 Recipes with Pellet Grills That Blow Your Mind : The popularity of pellet grills has been increasing lately because most people enjoy cooking outdoors. This equipment is truly an amazing investment and makes sure that you know everything about how to choose the best pellet smoker and grills.

The Secrets of Cumin in Weight Loss: How Cumin Can Make You Slim

The Secrets of Cumin in Weight Loss: How Cumin Can Make You Slim: It’s no secret that the best way to lose weight is to cut down on your caloric intake and increase the frequency of your workouts or exercises. Yet there are some people who turn to herbal products in hopes of speeding up their weight loss.

How to Easily Become a Vegetarian

How to Easily Become a Vegetarian: With the spring at our doorstep, it’s time we’ve given our bodies a refreshing, healthy boost through our chosen diet. We can’t honestly think of anything as healthy and energizing as vegetables and fruits! Can you? Of course, not. And it’s not just that these nature-given wonders are only super tasty to eat; their health […]