Spiritual Health

Spiritual Health

Showing 15 of 110 Results

Effects of Dance for Mental and Physical Abuse

Effects of Dance for Mental and Physical Abuse : Physical activity is defined as the movement of the body which leads to the burning of calories or energy. Everything that involves moving your body like climbing stairs, cleaning the house, biking, playing football or dancing, falls under the category of physical activity.

Fibromyalgia Management: How to Live with the Pain and No Cure

Fibromyalgia Management: How to Live with the Pain and No Cure : Recent studies pour some light onto the cause of fibromyalgia. However, this information is insufficient to understand and therefore cure this condition completely. With no effective fibromyalgia treatment in place, people suffering from it have no choice but to live with chronic pain.

How to Improve Your Willpower and Boost Your Self-Control

How to Improve Your Willpower and Boost Your Self-Control : Everyone has their fair share of bad habits and vices. Despite the fact, they can always be overcome! What a person needs most is the will-power to face their bad habits and vices head on, and exercise their self-control around them. Self-improvement does not happen overnight, but it will come with […]

How Healthy Eating Affects Your Happiness

How Healthy Eating Affects Your Happiness : You are what you eat, and the foods and beverages you choose can play a significant role in your mood. Most people know the basics, like if they reach for refined sugars for a quick snack, they might enjoy a burst of energy (often a placebo effect) followed by a “sugar crash.”

Mental and Physical Benefits of Yoga for Women

Mental and Physical Benefits of Yoga for Women : Yoga does so much more than provide physical health benefits, though that’s a biggie. From a physical health standpoint, yoga complements absolutely any other type of exercise regimen available. It increases strength, balance, focus, and flexibility—all of these are paramount to sports, weightlifting, and other forms of exercise.

Couples’ Quick Guide for Coping after a Serious Personal Injury

Couples’ Quick Guide for Coping after a Serious Personal Injury : Life can change in an instant: one day you and your partner are planning your life together, the next you’re dealing with a severe personal injury. It may have been easy when it was all rainbows, rays of sunshine, and butterflies, but can your relationship handle the storm? It’s hard […]

Key Ways To Turn a Bad Vehicle Accident Into a Positive Experience

Key Ways To Turn a Bad Vehicle Accident Into a Positive Experience  : A terrible vehicle accident can be horrifying, not to mention life-changing. And in a snap, everything turns upside down. One minute, your life is perfectly fine, while the next minute, everything is a mess.

How Life Coach Can Help You Improve the Quality of Your Life

How Life Coach Can Help You Improve the Quality of Your Life : Every one of us would have gone through depressive and demotivated episodes in our lives. These kinds of terrains in life heavily hinder you from achieving your goals. And no matter what, all of us strive hard to get over it, with all our emotional strength.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Joining a Yoga Class

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Joining a Yoga Class : The practice of yoga is an age-old tradition that survives to this day. This leads one to wonder what makes it surpass all others that crop up now and then. Reading up on it and having heard testimonies of yoga benefits from people of various orientations, you get to understand why […]

How To Make Mind Sharp And Intelligent At Any Age

How To Make Mind Sharp And Intelligent At Any Age : Some people spend hours a day for months training their bodies and gaining muscle, power, and strength. Others follow strict diets to lose weight. Yet not nearly as many people dedicate the same amount of time and energy to training their minds. Aging is inevitable, but is brain health linked […]

Insomnia? Massage Therapy Can Relieve Your Sleeplessness

Insomnia? Massage Therapy Can Relieve Your Sleeplessness. It goes without saying that parenting is a difficult form of labour; whether you’re battling back pain from lugging toddlers, laundry, and groceries around or you’re feeling tense from a late night with a sick infant, a quality sleep seems like a thing of the past. On top of that, it’s far too easy […]

How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts Forever

How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts Forever : Nowadays, a lot of work is what’s on the mind of most people. Every day, people always go with the same routine: Home – Work – Home. Some people are so into their jobs that they forget the little things in life that make them happy. Due to a redundant routine that […]