Beauty & Fashion

Beauty & Fashion

Showing 15 of 1,636 Results

How Can Dental Implants Improve Your Life?

How Can Dental Implants Improve Your Life? One does not need to wait until old age to have to wear dentures. Often, incidents of injury, accidents, weakened teeth and many others can cause people to prematurely lose their teeth which in turn leads them to wear dentures. But who wants to live with dentures? Dental implants are an easy, natural looking […]

How to Deal if You Sweat a Lot

How to Deal if You Sweat a Lot : Sweating, while totally natural, is not the greatest feeling. And for those of us who sweat more than others, it can be an uncomfortable hindrance to everyday life. There are options, however. Here are some ways you can work around the sweat:

The Pros and Cons Of Cosmetic Surgery For Eye Bag Lift

The Pros and Cons Of Cosmetic Surgery For Eye Bag Lift : Old age has its effects on the body, especially the skin. Nobody escapes from aging as it is a natural process. Wrinkles, fine lines, and skin discoloration may appear suddenly when you look into the mirror. You may notice evidence of wrinkles in your twenties.

Useful Tips for Kids Dental Care

Kids are innocent creatures, who do not know how to adapt themselves to the right living standard. It is the duty of parents to teach, guide and make them familiar with the best habits, so that they do not end up going on the wrong track. When it comes to kids dental care, they need to be familiarized with useful […]

10 Steps to Make Your Face Look Younger Without Surgery

10 Steps to Make Your Face Look Younger Without Surgery : Are you worried fine lines popping up on your face are giving away your age? While aging is a privilege that many do not experience, it’s still hard to feel great about every sunspot and gray hair that seems to arrive with each new year. Don’t miss this essential list […]

What Beauty products can make you compelling in 2018?

What Beauty products can make you compelling in 2018? Last year was a great year for makeups and other beauty products, with numerous makeup artists went on viral for their impressive and head-turning looks. And it looks like this year, 2018, is gearing up to even more impress us.

Relationship between Hormonal Changes And Dental Health Of A Woman

Relationship between Hormonal Changes And Dental Health Of A Woman : Hormones is that one thing which can make anything from your mood to your weight go haywire. Surprising though it may seem, hormones have the power of making a woman vulnerable to gum ailments. The reason behind the same is that the flow of blood towards your gums gets accentuated […]

Style Yourself Up with Evening Gowns This Wedding Season!

Style Yourself Up with Evening Gowns This Wedding Season! Evening gown fashion styles have been an ever-evolving affair since early 19th century. They gained popularity in the Western world because of the luxurious fabrics used. Due to which it became fashionable at formal affairs. Throughout the Victorian era, the fashion savvy admired the floor-length and ankle-length attires. If you are interested in […]

How to Trim a Beard of Your Boyfriend Easily

How to Trim a Beard of Your Boyfriend Easily : Trimming a beard is unimaginable without having the right tools by your side. Good news is that you only need six tools to do the job right.

Difference Between Complete and Partial Dentures

Difference Between Complete and Partial Dentures : Irrespective of the gender and age, a good set of teeth is something that everyone desires for. Dreaming about sparkling and beautiful teeth is one thing and taking care of them is a thing which is not possible for everyone, especially for the aged people. People who lose their teeth in early age or […]

5 Home Remedies for Healthier Skin and Hair

5 Home Remedies for Healthier Skin and Hair : All around the world people spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to attain beautiful skin and healthier hairs. They buy a lot of makeup to look prettier if not they spend a lot of money on skin care and hair care products. However, attaining beautiful skin and healthier hairs is not a […]

5 Fashion Hacks How To Step Up Your Style In College

5 Fashion Hacks How To Step Up Your Style In College : Once you step into college, you realize that the world is much more evolved in fashion than just a simple white shirt and grey lowers. You get to showcase your fashion sense at a place where you can experiment as much as you want and make yourself popular among […]

How to reduce body odor when you workout

How to reduce body odor when you workout : The struggle with motivating yourself to go to the gym is too real! There’s always something better to do to keep yourself occupied as compared to going to the gym and getting a good workout in. For some it maybe sheer laziness, for others self-consciousness about how they look and feel while […]

Benefits of the Foreo Luna Mini 2 Super Sonic Facial Cleansing Tool

Benefits of the Foreo Luna Mini 2 Super Sonic Facial Cleansing Tool : The Foreo Luna Mini 2 is a supersonic facial cleansing unit with 8 versatile intensities for a personalized cleansing experience. It gets rid of blemish causing pollutants safely and gently. It also comes with a 3-zone brush that delivers T-sonic pulsations to eliminate 99% of soil, dead skin […]

How to Look Your Best in Your Wedding Photos

How to Look Your Best in Your Wedding Photos : It is said that in weddings, music and food is for guest but the photographs are for you. As the bride, you need to look the best in all your wedding photographs and portraits. If looking the most photogenic bride ever stresses you, utilize these tips to look dazzling on your […]